An Apple A Day, Could Really Help To Keep The Doctor Away.
We have all heard that little saying at one point or another in our lives, most likely as children. Chances are that some of us still use it on our own children. The funny thing is that it isn’t just a line parent’s use, it is really true, and apples have been helping to keep people healthy since the time of Greek mythology. In ancient Greek stories, apples were a gift given from the god Apollo, who is said to be the god of healing, and of good health.
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Fat-Fighting Foods Series: Apples
I recently stumbled upon an ad for an e-book which promises to provide readers with a list of “fat-fighting” foods which you can actually eat, instead of avoid. The result is that the foods that you will consume will be actively fighting the fat on your diet. This is especially helpful for those who are tired of looking for ways to reduce the food on their plate in order to shed off those excess pounds. I decided to have my own list of fat-fighting foods and this is what I have come up with.