How Important is Nutrition, Really?
If I eat well, will I be well? Really, how important is nutrition?
Eating well is critical to living well. Everyone has heard the old saying, “you are what you eat”. And in today’s society, that would mean that we are just walking, talking chemical testing facilities. Unless we use our minds to decide what goes into our mouths. If we feed enough healthy food to our bodies, it will eventually stop craving all those delicious things that do us more harm than good.

What Exactly Are Anti-Oxidants? And What Do They Do For You?
“Contains AntiOxidants” has become a promotional marketing slogan that is raking in millions of dollars for companies that sell everything from bottled water to lip sticks. And consumers will consume things that carry that slogan, even if they have no idea what an antioxidant actually is, or why they might need some.
Read more on What Exactly Are Anti-Oxidants? And What Do They Do For You?…