B12 To Help Avoid Cardiovascular Disease
The entire complex of B vitamins is essential for health, but B12 is for heart health.
Vitamin B12 is required for the body’s manufacture of the essential amino acid, methionine, and the associated enzyme, methionine synthase. An inadequate supply of this enzyme may lead to an excess of homocysteine. This is a naturally occurring protein in the body and has been associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies show that people with blood homocysteine levels in the top 20% of the range faced a more than doubled risk of cardiovascular disease.

It Feels Like A Heart Attack, But It May Be Panic Attack
Panic attack is a symptom of an anxiety disorder that has emotional and physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms associated with a panic attack include intense feelings of unreasonable and unexplainable fear. Physical symptoms associated with a panic attack include dizziness, a feeling of choking, feelings of faintness, clammy hands, racing heart, and severe shaking, which can all feel like a heart attack
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Choosing The Correct Heart Rate Monitor
Heart rate monitors are gadgets that are a very wonderful tool to have for both those who have heart related problems and those who are looking to improve their workouts. They are used to monitor your heart rate at all times during the day.

How To Help Prevent CHD In Unborn Babies
This is a difficult topic. Not much is known about the various causes of CHD (congenital heart disease) on a pregnant woman, in the first three months of pregnancy. This is when development of the heart in the uterus is expected to be complete.